Almost one year ago, I wrote a blog titled “What’s in a brand?” In it, I reviewed Florida Health Choices’ first use of the tagline “Health Insurance Marketplace,” the reason it was chosen as our official slogan, and our efforts to develop and protect the brand. A few days later, on January 30, 2015, attorneys…

Setting the Record Straight
With the Supreme Court expected to rule on King v. Burwell in the coming week, healthcare leaders, elected officials and media outlets across the nation are hungry for information about what will happen next. I’ve seen dozens of news stories about the intended effects of a ruling for the plaintiffs and its impact both nationally and here in Florida. The latest of these came from the Palm Beach Post, where opinion staff refers to the Florida Health Choices Marketplace offerings as failing to meet the definition of a “qualified health plan.”
I raise this because it’s critical for Floridians to fully understand their options. All of the insurance products currently offered in the Marketplace are compliant with the laws and rules of the State of Florida and the Affordable Care Act. Each and every one of the choices available to Floridians is offered by a Qualified Health Plan.
Floridians also don’t have to wait for the next open enrollment period to sign up for coverage through Florida Health Choices. They can enroll at any time during the year when reporting a qualifying event such as the birth of a child, marriage, divorce or another life-changing occurrence. You can compare multiple products side by side, enroll in the option that best fits your needs, and access important information.
You can read more about my thoughts on King v. Burwell in a blog I posted in April here.